Tay Cities Region Deal Tay5G funds pathfinder project to create moving 5G search bubble
A team of mobile connectivity and drone specialists have demonstrated the use of flying 5G drones as a moving connectivity bubble which could transform mountain search and rescue missions.
The demonstrations, which took place near Tarfside in Angus, Scotland, brought together JET Connectivity’s pop-up 5G technology with an aerial drone to form a self-deploying 5G network. Jet also collaborated with regional company DTLX, Abertay University and the Scotland 5G Centre. Tay Cities Deal Tay5G is a programme of 5G use case trials across drones and diverse sectors including virtual production, eSports, sustainable fashion and connected communities.
Mountain search and rescue is traditionally reliant on teams hiking the mountains and glens or the assistance of helicopters for wider area searches. These two options are either time consuming – potentially disastrous in an emergency - or expensive.
Hillside and mountain locations also often suffer from poor phone signal, so rescue teams cannot communicate or share location or video information while working to save lives.
The challenges seen in emergency situations across the world can be revolutionised with the use of a pop-up, moving, mobile network and visual search platform.
To read the full story and see behind the scenes images take a look at Tay5G at Digital Dundee.